"Life! The etymology of the Old English word for life includes meanings such as "body" and "person: or that which "remains" and "continues". Life can be defined as a condition of sustained regenerative activity, energy, expression, or power that human beings and other animate creatures experience. Emily Dickinson said, 'To be alive- is Power.' Her definition suggests that life is empowerment, in spite of the risks and difficulties that human beings may experience in mortality.

     Sacred! The earliest meanings of the word sacred in English have to do with the consecration of the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament.... Human life is sacred because human bodies are temples.... Each individual is sacred because each one reflects the divine image of the creator. The proclamation tells us that 'all human beings- male and female- are created in the image of God'..... Each human being, no mater how young or how small, is a 'beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny."
(Cynthia L. Hallen- Successful Marriages and Families:Defending the Sanctity of Human Life)

Ask yourself these questions:

          What is the definition of my life? 

 Why am I important to God and his son
                   Jesus Christ?

             What power do I have?

     Was it a little hard to answer those questions? Dont feel down if they were, because I even found them to a bit hard to answer, and I'm the one who asked them. But these are important questions that we need to ask ourselves, because they make us think about the purpose in our own lives, why we were created, why we were saved and what we have to offer this life. I, personally, just go through my day to day life doing all that I can, not really thinking about the effect I have on people and the great opportunity I have been given to do good. Two years ago when I was at my absolute lowest, I actually remember sitting on my bed one day bawling my eyes out and asking myself, "What is the definition of your life? Why does anyone care? What do you have to offer?" Unfortunately I didn't dig deep and force myself to answer these questions, I just allowed Satan to answer these questions for me. But as I have grown from my trials I have forced myself to ponder these questions from time to time and I have come to the conclusion that my life was created for a purpose, I have power to do anything, God loves me because I am his daughter and there is no one else like me, Christ loved me enough to save me and he saved me because I am his sister. I may not be able to give direct answers to these questions but coming to that realization that I have a place in God's heart is enough to keep me going. But I want you to realize more than just that, I want you to know with every fiber of your being that you are special:
     I bet you never thought of yourself as a super mom.... but you are. Let's go back to the quote from the very beginning of this post: "Emily Dickinson said, 'To be alive- is Power.' Her definition suggests that life is empowerment, in spite of the risks and difficulties that human beings may experience in mortality." I want you to picture the counsel in Heaven, picture Satan laying out his plan and Christ giving his plan. Picture 1/3 of the heavenly host following Satan and remember that you were not one of them. Remember that you chose to come to earth and follow Christ. Now whether you chose this plan because of loved ones, because of faith or some other reason it is not for us to know in this life, but right now just focus on the fact that YOU chose to be here on earth and fight for Christ. Choosing this path gave you a body and the wonderful opportunity to be alive. Emily is completely and 100% correct, that life in itself is power. Because you placed your faith and trust in God and Jesus Christ they have placed their love and faith in your life. 

     "Each human being, no mater how young or how small, is a 'beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny." As women and mother's a piece of our divine destiny includes being mother's. How amazing is that? 
Now if you ask me, that sounds like a super power to me. So that must make you a.......
     I have an amazing mother, all while growing up she did all that she possibly could to be a stay at home mother. (I understand that not all mother's can afford to do this, just remember to not neglect your families and set aside an allotted time just for your kids.) I always saw my mom as a Super Mom because of the great love that she always had for me. She always made time to watch Sleeping Beauty with me for the 100th time in my Barbie tent, she would be patient with me in times of hecticness, she would wrap up in the biggest quilt and sit over the heater vent in the middle of summer with me despite how hot it was outside (this was my favorite thing to do as a child), she would read scriptures to me and hold me tight in the middle of the night after a night mere. These are just a few of the things that my mom did for me and some of the things that many mother's do for their children. To most mother's they view these simple little tasks as part of their daily activities but to a child these are the things that only a Super Mom does for a child she loves. Being a child of a wonderful mother I am very grateful for the time she spent with me and the sacrifices she made for me. My mother is the foundation to my testimony and my absolute best friend.
     Each week I give you a little challenge that I want you to work on that will make you focus on yourself a little more and give you that extra boost that you need. We all need to be reminded of our great abilities to do good in life and that our lives are sacred and powerful. This week I would like to challenge you to find your own super powers, gain a testimony that you have great effect on your families and the people around you and that you have a great power within you to do good. 

Here is a small list of superpowers that every mother has:
  1. Toddler Speaker. The ability to decipher nonsensical gibberish.
  2. Sleep Sensors. The ability to wake up instantly from deep REM sleep just to hear the sound of a child crying, or when they are sick.
  3. Power Arms. You can carry a full load of groceries with kids running around (sometimes even while holding the child) into the house in ONE trip without dropping anything.
  4. Mom Psychic. Knowing what a child wants before they know.
  5. Kitchen Magician. Looking into an empty fridge and pantry and still creating a delicious meal that the whole family loves.
  6. Poop Detector. You are brave enough to smell a babies diaper in public.
  7. Stomach of Steel
  8. Ability to love no matter what
10/15/2012 01:58:07 pm

Thanks Kayla, I love you!


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    Kayla Morrill

    I am so glad that you are visiting my blog!!!! I have created this blog in hopes to uplift women from all backgrounds and remind you that you are a daughter of a Heavenly King, you have a divine heritage and you have the potential to do many marvelous things in this life as well as the life to come.. I believe in the worth of women and I want all women to embrace life and recognize the blessing that they are.

    I love you all so very much!!!


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    October 2012