Growing up I have always enjoyed the Sunday before Christmas, I always loved the beautiful carols that were sung in Sacrament, the Christmas stories, hearing about everyone's Christmas traditions and having that gentle reminder of why we celebrate this beautiful holiday. This year in a good friend of my gave a beautiful lesson in my home ward Relief Society. She talked about how beautiful the Christmas season can be and the special significance it is in our lives. It's the time of year where a good majority of the earth celebrates the birth of our Savior and shares the love of Christ. Kirby, my good friend, decided to take this lesson in a different manner and talked about the second reason why we celebrate the season- and that is YOU! Kirby talked about how if there was no you and me there would have been no reason for Christ to come to this earth, to have suffered and pay the price for the sins of the world. It is because of you and me that Christ was able to come down to earth. 
     I thought this was such a beautiful message and it was such a unique way to look at the Christmas season. It made me think about why I came to this earth. You know in my life I have struggled a great deal I have made my fair share of wrong choices and traveled some hard roads, I have been hurt, felt lost and alone; but I wouldn't give up any of that for one moment because it meant that I had the chance to be saved and taught by my older brother who loves me so much that he was willing to die for me.

You may cry out "No one understands. No one knows." But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands. He can reach out, touch and strengthen us.

                                ~ Elder David A Bednar ~
     Today as my family celebrated Christmas I couldn't stop thinking about why we celebrate Christmas and what it must have been like for Mary to hold her own child knowing who he was. I thought about how I once knew him and we walked and talked together, how he knows me perfectly and he understands me perfectly. Christmas has always been a special time of year to me and its been my favorite holiday as long as I can remember. This year however opened my eyes to just how special this time of year really is. Its not just a celebration of the birth of Christ its a celebration and reminder of why Christ came to earth. I pray that you will not forget your great worth and the love the Jesus has for you. I pray that you will always remember that he knows you and loves you, he came to earth for you and he died on the cross so that you and me can live today and someday return home to live with him. Please never forget that he is there to reach out, touch and strengthen us, that he loves us and that you matter. 

                        Merry Christmas my readers :)

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    Kayla Morrill

    I am so glad that you are visiting my blog!!!! I have created this blog in hopes to uplift women from all backgrounds and remind you that you are a daughter of a Heavenly King, you have a divine heritage and you have the potential to do many marvelous things in this life as well as the life to come.. I believe in the worth of women and I want all women to embrace life and recognize the blessing that they are.

    I love you all so very much!!!


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