" I believe that as soon as the babies heart starts beating the spirit has entered the womb...... and this is when the real connection between a mother and child begins." Today I wanted to talk about the wonderful opportunity that as women we get, and that is to be effective mother's to God's most beloved children. I interviewed my own mother on the connections she had with her babies. She talked about how she started to love the child when she first found out she was pregnant, she said that when she found out she was so overwhelmed with excitement and a great deal of love for our Heavenly Father because he was entrusting one of his choice spirits in her to raise, care and nourish. My mom talked about how she loved that little spirit far more than words could ever describe as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Her favorite part of being pregnant was when the baby would move, she talked about how strong of a bond a mother can have with her baby just by feeling in moving around. All through this interview my mom kept saying "I just dont know how to describe it." And that is the beauty of this whole process- its so wonderful that words cant describe it. She also talked a lot about how spiritual this nine months can be for a mother, it's a time when you can really grow close to the babies spirit before he/she is even born. 

     It has been said for centuries that there is no greater pain on this earth than the pain a mother feels when going through birth. You have just spent nine months with your skin and in sides stretch and being smushed, you have doubled in jean size, you are sick throwing up and with headaches, you have to give up some of your favorite foods and activities, your back hurts, your stomach itches, you are tired yet cant sleep, you are in much pain and you are emotional all the time. Then at the time of birth your body is stretching again, you are loosing blood, water and literally risking your life for this babies. There is tears, blood, sweat, squeezing of the hands and a whole lot of screaming.... Yet every mother will tell you its all worth it. " Physically and emotionally it is very hard to be pregnant and give birth but as soon as you hold that child all the pain and suffering goes away because you are so caught up in your new baby and all that excitement  You forget it all.... At first sight, because I already loved you, now that I was holding you the excitement was over powering and that wait was suddenly all worth it. It was pure joy. At that moment you feel like you are holding your whole world . You feel this strong attachment, love, dedication and nothing else could ever compare to that moment.... you now feel complete and complete joy...." 

"I knew that I knew each of my children in heaven and we loved each other. I know that we were close and were placed in the same family for a purpose. When I each of my children were placed in my arms for the first time and I got my first glance I felt that very special connection again and I feel like I already knew everything about each of you. You all are the greatest gift this life has to offer besides the Atonement. I felt an overwhelming feeling that my father trusted me enough to care for his precious spirits, I felt an immense amount of love for my Father in heaven..... Pregnancy and giving birth to each and ever one of my children was just one miracle right after another, and you still are.."   (Quoted from my Mommy)
The significance of mother's influence is first grounded in the relationship she forms with her child. because motherhood is part of a woman's divine identity, her role as mother is defined by a relationship more than a set of tasks

Quoted from Successful Marriages and Families : Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives. Chapter 12 Mothers as Nurturers
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. The woman existed but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."


     Prophets have told us time and time again that being a mother is one of the most note-worthy things that a woman can do in this life. And what an amazing responsibility that is :) I think the bond between a mother and a child is so remarkable. I know that my mom is my very bestest friend and its because she has always been there for me and loved me through it all. I think its important for women to remember the great gifts God has placed in our lives (AKA our children) and to reflect back on those precious first hours of our children's lives. Remember who you are and remember who you are to your children- because to them you are their world!
Brian Kelley
11/3/2012 05:05:54 pm

Beautiful article Kayla. As you well know, my sister just recently had her first child. I saw pure love in my sisters and mothers eyes as they made first eye contact with her brand new baby boy. When I held baby Ryon, I saw the purest innocents I've ever witnessed. Holding one of Gods most beloved children. What an honor! I'm so excited to watch him and guide him as his Uncle Brian. Thank you for writing your thoughts for all of us to read. Keep up the inspiring work.


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    Kayla Morrill

    I am so glad that you are visiting my blog!!!! I have created this blog in hopes to uplift women from all backgrounds and remind you that you are a daughter of a Heavenly King, you have a divine heritage and you have the potential to do many marvelous things in this life as well as the life to come.. I believe in the worth of women and I want all women to embrace life and recognize the blessing that they are.

    I love you all so very much!!!


    November 2012
    October 2012