All of the pictures today are from my sister's engagement pictures. She asked me to take them, I had so much fun because they are just too too cute together. I absolutely loved them all, but here are a few of my favorites- they are all just so precious and sweet :)
     I will just come right out and say it- I am a sappy romantic kind of girl! I love nothing more than spending my Saturday nights in pj's with a box of tissues, chocolate, girl friends and a good chick flick! I love to gab with my sisters and roomies about boys and dating. I love to hear how couples met and how he proposed and all about their wedding day- oh and let us not forget the cute/funny/embarrassing first kiss stories. I simply love love!!!!! I was lucky and got the cutest parents, they love each other so very much and they still act like they were just married yesterday. My dad calls my mom at the very least once a day to check in and tell her that he loves her. My mom surprises my dad with cleaning his work shed and she brings him lunches at work. They will stay up late at night laying in bed talking about everything under the stars and then do the same thing in the wee hours of the morning. They go to the grocery store together to "stand in the produce section to gaze off into the distance at the star-fruit" (my dad's exact words). I mean really they are so adorable and good for each other. My sister followed in their footsteps and married an amazing young man and they too are so cute together, so gentle to each other and always showing affection for the other. They do everything together!!!! 
    These stories are an inspiration to me to someday find my own Mr. Right but I have realized that in order to find my own prince charming I have to date and be careful. "A date is a planned activity that allows a young man and young woman (or husband and wife) to get to know each other better. In cultures where dating is acceptable, it can help you learn and practice social skills, develop friendships, have wholesome fun," (taken from For the Strength of Youth pamphlet) but I would even like to add that it is a time to find what works well with you and discover more about yourself. I also realize that it is important in dating even after you are married.
     In Successful Marriages and Families: Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives, It talks a great deal about nurturing love and friendship. "What can married couples do to nurture love and friendship?.... Get in sync with your partner's love preferences. Find out how your partner likes to receive love and then do those things often.... Talk as friends. Sometimes our couple conversation is all about the business of life: the job, the kids, problems. Of course, these things need to be handled, but it is also important to make time to simply talk as friends..... Set goals for couple interaction. 
  • Respond to bids for attention, affection, humor, or support. An announcement of "I've had a rotten day" can be met with an acknowledgement of feeling ("I'm sorry to hear that"), a hug, and an invitation to talk more about it. 
  • Make an effort to do everyday activities together, such as reading the mail or making the bed.
  • Have a stress-reducing reuniting at the end of a busy day to see how things went, and listening to and validating one another.
  • Keep track of how well you are connecting emotionally with each other, and make enhancements when necessary.
     I strongly believe that when you continue to date after marriage you are renewing that love and strengthening your feelings for each other. And did you know that there are some serious health benefits to being in love? YES there totally is.... and believe me they are the good kinds of health benefits. 
  1. It may bolster your immune system.
  2. It can make you physically fit. 
  3. It might help you live longer. 
  4. It may clear up your skin. 
  5. It can improve your heart heath. 
  6. It can reduce feelings of pain. 
  7. It can regulate your menstrual cycle. 
  8. It can improve your mental well-being. 
Now arnt those some pretty sweet health benefits.
     So today is "Monday Me Day" and you are probably wondering why I am talking about dating, strengthening your love as a couple. and the health benefits of being in love. Well it's very simple- its a fun subject to talk about and when we are in a relationship that we love then we are more happy. At stake conference one of the speakers said "Being in a relationship you like is fun." If we love the relationships we are in then wont we just love the life that we are living, wont that make the dirty diapers and screaming children more bearable after a sleepless night, wont that just be the icing on an already delicious cake? God gave us love because it's fun and it just makes life so lovely. So for my message to you today I want to encourage you to go out and have fun, love your husband, love your boyfriend, love love and love your life. (now with all that love I must sound like a hippie!) So go out and live the cutest love story there ever was!!!!! Because I know I am- someday I will tell you my cute love story :) (but let me just say only 7 1/2 months)
     Halloween night, it was my turn to cook and I wanted to make something super delicious and kind of fancy! I mean we did have dollar tree plastic Halloween goblets and sparkling cider- the least I could do was make a dinner to match. So I bought a spaghetti squash (one of my more favorite fall foods) and had grand plans of making paremesan chicken..... Well dinner was a success and everyone loved it.... Well actually this was my roommates first time having spaghetti squash and Auri didn't really know just what to think of it. Anyways, back to the story. The chicken was delicious but it was nothing worthy for a fancy Halloween dinner. After all my hard work my paremesan chicken tasted more like a fancy gourmet chic delicious chicken nugget. But hey who was there to judge on my "fancy dinner" my roommates ate it and we all enjoyed it..... we enjoyed it so much actually that I decided this wasn't a fatal mistake and in fact I am going to share the recipe with you!
1 large egg
1/8 cup of milk
1/8 cup of paremesan cheese
a dash of Mrs. Dash
a dash of salt and pepper
a dash of dried basil
dried bread crumbs
8 pieces of partially cooked chicken. ( i cook it till it is almost all the way cooked through- dont completely cook it though because you want your chicken moist and not dry)

  1. Start with cooking the chicken. I personally fill a pan full of water, place the chicken in and basically boil it till its where i want it to be. While the chicken is cooking crack the egg into a bowl and whisk well. Add the milk, cheese and seasonings. Make sure their is no lumps- that's just gross.
  2. When you chicken is cooked you want to preheat your oven to about 250 and have a pan to put the chicken on. Also this is when you will bring out your favorite frying pan. Pour some cooking oil into the frying pan and let this get fairly hot. 
  3. You are going to take the chicken dig in the egg mixture then on a plate have some breadcrumbs. You will take the chicken out of the egg mixture and generously coat in bread crumbs on both sides then place in the hot oil to crisp up. (The reason why we precooked the chicken is because the bread coating would have crisped up and started burning far long before the chicken was finished cooking) 
  4. You will cook the chicken for a minute or two on each side before placing on the sheet pan and into the oven. Really you just want to egg mixture to cook all the way, the coating to get a golden brown and just on the verge of being crispy. 
  5. When you place the chicken in the oven feel free to sprinkle some grated cheese on top for extra yumminess. 
  6. Repeat this process till you have used all the chicken. Chances are you will not use up all of the egg mixture. (however this chicken does keep well in the fridge and freezer so you could just make up a ton of chicken and save for a rainy day when you just want something quick, warm and yummy) This chicken is really good by itself, you could have it with spaghetti sauce, ketchup or my favorite RANCH!!!!!! 
  7. ENJOY!!!!!
     " Yesterday my husband called a little bit before lunchtime to check on how we were doing at home. The conversation was more brief than usual because he had a lunch appointment held at a nice restaurant near his office. But it was also interrupted because the toddler sitting at the table in his booster seat knocked a cup of apple juice over, sending juice flying all over himself, the floor and all over me. When I hung up the phone I began the task of cleaning him off, wiping the sticky juice off the table and floor, and finally changing out of the now sticky sweat pants I had not been able to change out of since early that morning. While kneeling on the floor with a rag in my hand I couldn't help but reflect on the differences between the work my husband was doing and the work I so often did as a mother. I knew in my mind that caring for children mattered, but honestly, it was hard to see what could possibly be so important about changing diapers, wiping noses, cleaning muddy feet, and all the other hundreds of mundane chores that seemed to make up my daily life. I reflected on the bachelor's and master's degrees I had received and couldn't help but wonder how after all that preparation I ended up on the floor with a rag in my hand wiping up juice spilled by a toddler. Hadn't I been prepared to do something more significant   something that would really make a lasting difference?

    (Personal experience shared by Jenet J. Erickson in Successful Marriages and
            Families: Proclamation Principles and research Perspectives)
     How many of us had grand goals for our futures? How many of us went to school and obtained massive amounts of knowledge and degrees? How many of us wanted to travel? How many of us wanted to make a significant difference? As a student in college, I obviously am thinking about these questions a lot. I think about what I want to do for a career: a Child Life Specialist/Therapist and a liaison for families in a children's hospital (I want to run the play room, organize events, organize camps and fundraisers as well as be there for the kids to have fun. And then work personally with the families to make plans for after their hospital stay) To do this I need a BA or a Master's in Therapeutic Recreation (Im emphasizing in art and dance) and then become certified in Child Life- that's a lot of education) I would love more than anything to travel and hike all over Europe. I have looked into programs that help build schools, work in orphanages and hospitals around the world- I would love to do something like that. For now I volunteer every summer for a camp at the children's hospital in Seattle. I would love to be a missionary, and bring the gospel to others. I would love to bring happiness to people all over the earth!!!! But above all of these dreams, hopes and ambitions.... I want to be a mother. In my mind I cant see any greater thing that I could ever do with my life than to raise God's children and be their to wipe their noses when they are running, clean the rocks out of a scrapped up knee, cook dinner for a hungry family every night and then clean the dishes, read Dr. Seuss 100+ times, potty train a toddler, suffer through high school math homework late into the night and support my kids in their music, dance, and sports events. 

     When I talk to friends and we discuss our futures we often talk about getting married and having kids. Many of my girl friends talk about waiting till they are in their mid 30's to have kids. That way they have had time to build a good foundation for themselves, they have traveled and "lived up their young years." But I want to have kids a year or two after marriage, I want to spend my "young years" crawling around a kitchen floor littered with Cheerios cleaning up split milk, playing on the swings and play sets at the play grounds, throwing Frisbee, making sugar cookies in the holidays and dancing to MJ late at nights with my kids. When I think about my future family all I can do is smile. I think about all those beautiful spirits sitting on a cloud watching me, cheering me on as I go through my life and anxiously waiting to come down and be wrapped up in my arms as I sing them to sleep. I dream of the day when I will have children to read to, play with and keep as my own for time and all eternity. Truly I believe that I was born to be a mother and that is the one career that I have dreamed of since I was a little girl playing with my 2 dozen baby dolls in my room.

     For years it has been debated on the importance of a mother's role and if being a mother is the right career for every woman. Now I am in no position to start listing off reasons why women should be mother's or why they should choose a professional career over having children (although in my mind mother's are the most professional people there are on this earth). But I can give my testimony that there is not a greater, nothing more divine, no greater joy than being a mother and raising God's children. 
God trusts women so much that He lets them bear and care for His spirit children.
--Elder Neal A. Maxwell.

Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.
--The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The true spirit of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gives to woman the highest place of honor in human life.
--The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

My mother and I celebrating Graduating High school Summer 2012
     Halloween- Candied Apples- Frankenstein  10 layers of face paint- Hokus Pokus- Apple Cider- Lots of screams and shrills- Witches- CHOCOLATE- Pumpkin Carving and Roasted Pumpkin Seeds- Goblins  Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin- Dry ice smoke- Trick or Treats- Laughter- Family- Memories. I love this time of year: 1) because it's the beginning of the Holiday season and 2) because of all the fun traditions that we have. I love seeing little kids dressed up in little costumes and seeing the excitement in their eyes when they fill their pillow cases and pumpkin bags full of candy. I love to stick my hands into a cold ooey gooey pumpkin and scoop out the guts. I love the spices and the candles. I just love it all!!!!! But lets face it- this is the time of year that we all let our belt buckles out a hole or two so that we can enjoy just one more slice of apple pie or one more sip of mint hot coco in the mornings, the chocolate from our kids candy baskets, the pumpkin and ghost shaped sugar cookies and the spiced nuts. Oh it's just all too good to give up!!!! So to make it possible for us to keep eating these delectable goodies all we need to do is counteract all those calories and sugars with a fun work out. But let's face it who ever thinks about working out around Halloween? I know I sure dont! But I came across this cute little Halloween inspired work out that we can all do at home. So go put on some comfy work out cloths or maybe even your Halloween costume  turn on some Monster Mash and Thriller and join me in the fun workout!!!!
So now when you eat one of your sons Reese's or your daughter gives you an almond joy because she doesnt like the coconut you wont feel so bad eating it because have already creeped away the calories!!!!!
HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!!!!!
" I believe that as soon as the babies heart starts beating the spirit has entered the womb...... and this is when the real connection between a mother and child begins." Today I wanted to talk about the wonderful opportunity that as women we get, and that is to be effective mother's to God's most beloved children. I interviewed my own mother on the connections she had with her babies. She talked about how she started to love the child when she first found out she was pregnant, she said that when she found out she was so overwhelmed with excitement and a great deal of love for our Heavenly Father because he was entrusting one of his choice spirits in her to raise, care and nourish. My mom talked about how she loved that little spirit far more than words could ever describe as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Her favorite part of being pregnant was when the baby would move, she talked about how strong of a bond a mother can have with her baby just by feeling in moving around. All through this interview my mom kept saying "I just dont know how to describe it." And that is the beauty of this whole process- its so wonderful that words cant describe it. She also talked a lot about how spiritual this nine months can be for a mother, it's a time when you can really grow close to the babies spirit before he/she is even born. 

     It has been said for centuries that there is no greater pain on this earth than the pain a mother feels when going through birth. You have just spent nine months with your skin and in sides stretch and being smushed, you have doubled in jean size, you are sick throwing up and with headaches, you have to give up some of your favorite foods and activities, your back hurts, your stomach itches, you are tired yet cant sleep, you are in much pain and you are emotional all the time. Then at the time of birth your body is stretching again, you are loosing blood, water and literally risking your life for this babies. There is tears, blood, sweat, squeezing of the hands and a whole lot of screaming.... Yet every mother will tell you its all worth it. " Physically and emotionally it is very hard to be pregnant and give birth but as soon as you hold that child all the pain and suffering goes away because you are so caught up in your new baby and all that excitement  You forget it all.... At first sight, because I already loved you, now that I was holding you the excitement was over powering and that wait was suddenly all worth it. It was pure joy. At that moment you feel like you are holding your whole world . You feel this strong attachment, love, dedication and nothing else could ever compare to that moment.... you now feel complete and complete joy...." 

"I knew that I knew each of my children in heaven and we loved each other. I know that we were close and were placed in the same family for a purpose. When I each of my children were placed in my arms for the first time and I got my first glance I felt that very special connection again and I feel like I already knew everything about each of you. You all are the greatest gift this life has to offer besides the Atonement. I felt an overwhelming feeling that my father trusted me enough to care for his precious spirits, I felt an immense amount of love for my Father in heaven..... Pregnancy and giving birth to each and ever one of my children was just one miracle right after another, and you still are.."   (Quoted from my Mommy)
The significance of mother's influence is first grounded in the relationship she forms with her child. because motherhood is part of a woman's divine identity, her role as mother is defined by a relationship more than a set of tasks

Quoted from Successful Marriages and Families : Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives. Chapter 12 Mothers as Nurturers
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. The woman existed but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."


     Prophets have told us time and time again that being a mother is one of the most note-worthy things that a woman can do in this life. And what an amazing responsibility that is :) I think the bond between a mother and a child is so remarkable. I know that my mom is my very bestest friend and its because she has always been there for me and loved me through it all. I think its important for women to remember the great gifts God has placed in our lives (AKA our children) and to reflect back on those precious first hours of our children's lives. Remember who you are and remember who you are to your children- because to them you are their world!
     Audrey Hepburn said that in all her life she has discovered that the women she found were most happy were the prettiest ones. Now some say that only the girls that are pretty are ever happy- but what's so wrong with believing that you are one of those girls? As women we typically want to shy away from the compliments and we really never go around with the attitude that "oh I look so pretty today." But Audrey Hepburn, a woman who has been noted for years for her beauty and grace said herself that those who are the happiest are the ones who know they are pretty. When we can walk out that front door every day with that solid belief that we are all beautiful in our own way we truly do shine in ways that can not be faked.  
     One way you can realize our own beauty could be by pampering yourself and giving back to your body. It's proven that a woman that treats her body right and pampers herself is more relaxed, has less wrinkles and dark circles under our eyes (now dont we all want that) as well as has more confidence in her own skin.  Who doesnt like a little pampering, some cucumbers, green face masks, wax baths for the hands, scalp and back massages and wonderful foot baths. I know I DEFIANTLY LOVE ALL OF THIS!!!!!!! I love me some good old home spa nights and self pamperings. One night after you have put all the kids to bed, or on a Sunday afternoon when your husband could play with the kids for an hour or two take the time to pamper yourself and become connected with your inner beauteous self!!!!!  Here are a few tips to consider:
Cucumbers- it has long been said that cucumbers are a refreshing veggie that has the magical powers to reduce the swelling around the eyes as well as lessen the dark circles. It also soothes and smoothes (totally made that word up but when you say the two together it just sounds better :) the skin around the eyes. You could literally do this trick while the kids are at school for 10-15 minutes or while laying in bed at night before you fall asleep.
Candles: When you decide to give yourself a me night (or even if you do this in the middle of the day for 25 minutes while the kids are at school) create a fun relaxing environment. But on some good tunes- like Michael Bubble his voice is pampering enough for me!!!!! Dim the lights to ease the stress on the eyes, light some yummy smelling candles. This is relaxing because one it appeals to your smelling senses and makes you feel happy. And two is romantic and soothing.  Lets face it its just fun to be in a candle lit room every once in a while.

Take a bubble bath!!!!- LOVE TO DO THIS!!!! Did you know that something as simple as a bubble bath is beneficial to both your mental and physical health???? Bet'cha didn't .... dont feel bad I just found this out. Taking a bubble bath is very soothing to the skin- it leaves your skin very smooth and soft (like a baby's behind) as well as creates an easier surface to exfoliate. It also pulls all of your focus on yourself. It's not healthy to only think about yourself every second of the day but neither is it good to neglect yourself all the time. Take this time to really relax, soften your skin, get pruney fingers and focus on YOU!!!!!
     Comb your hair- now either you could comb your own hair and play with it or you could teach your little girls what gentle is and feels like and then let them practice being gentle with your hair. For some odd reason playing with your hair feels so good and is a great stress reliever.
     Living a well balanced life doesnt just mean staying on top of things, being organized, being happy and checking off every box on your list for that day- it also means focusing on you. When I was in the hospital being treated for depression I learned about the "Me Pie" apparently there are certain things that I need to have in my day to day routines to stay mentally and physically healthy. The doctor drew a circle and called it "My Daily Pie" one by one he sectioned off pieces of my pie for school, homework, family, church, work, chores, friends, etc. But when he was done there was a pretty large chunk left. I asked him what that was for and he said "This part of the pie is for you to enjoy" (no pun intended) He talked about how humans become so involved in work, school, activities and others that we dont spend time working on ourselves and relaxing. We work work work and save nothing for ourselves leaving us mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally drained. This causes stress, lack of sleep, frustration, loss of temper, and lots of break downs. We need to enjoy the pie and not just give it all out- I mean hey it is our pie!!!! This could include reading a good book, laughing with a friend, doing yoga, cooking, drawing, dribbling a basketball or running a mile or two. Or maybe its enjoying a whole chocolate bar all to ourselves or doing a little home pampering :) 
     Your pie is so yummy and you have shared it with so many that have loved partaking of your sweetness- dont forget to take some of your pie today..... because what you have to offer truly is delicious :)
     When it is crisp, snow is falling, the Christmas music is playing in October you know it's time to start breaking out the yummy soup recipes. And while you're at it- get big bread rolls from the store, or make them homemade and eat your soup in a bread bowl!!!! (So yummy)

      One day I was surfing the internet for new recipes and I just happened to run across this recipe for a Copy Cat Panera Bread Broccoli Cheddar Cheese soup and I was like- THERE'S NO WAY IM PASSING THIS UP!!!!! So last Wednesday I made it. Let me say YUM!!!!!!
This soup is so creamy and yummy and delicious and delectable and scrumptious and just down right good.

(This recipe serves about 5-6)
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • 1/4 cup flour (sift the flower before so that there are no clumps)
  • 2 cups half-and-half ( or skim milk)
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1/2 pound fresh broccoli ( florets only)
  • 1 cup carrots, julienne
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 8 ounces grated cheddar cheese

  1. Saute onions in a little butter in a small pan – set aside. You are going to want to chop your onions into a medium-small dice.
  2. In a large stockpot melt butter. Add flour and mix for 3 minutes. Make sure to add your flower a little at a time stirring in- you want this to be a smooth as possible (remember this is the base for your soup you dont want a clumpy floury soup base)
  3. Slowly add half- half – mixing the entire time. To make this soup stretch a little more I added 1/2 of water after the half and half. (At this point I also added a little dried basil to my mix just for extra flavor and because I like basil :)
  4. Slowly add chicken stock- mixing the entire time. I personally didnt use like a chicken stock, I used that chicken broth powder mix stuff you get in the little glass jars. I mixed up 3 cups of warm water with 3 teaspoons of chicken broth powder then added that. (in case you havent noticed, I really do like to not follow instructions) You want to make sure that you stir this in completely and that your stock/broth is not separating from the flour and milk mixture
  5. Let simmer on low for 20 minutes. This is when the yumminess starts to happen and your soup base will start getting really good 
  6. Add broccoli, carrots; onions and cook on low for 25 minutes. I added extra broccoli because I love broccoli and wanted to really make this soup stretch. I also used about the top half of the stems of the broccoli but chopped them up small. I am def. not a waster when it comes to food and I like to use as much of the vegetable that I can.
  7. Season with salt, pepper; nutmeg. (the nutmeg is so so yummy :)
  8. Place soup in a blender or use an immersion blender and puree. (I didn't do this step because I like more chunky veggies in my soup generally, but I did dice my veggies pretty small so I wouldn't really have needed to blend it anyways)
  9. Heat soup over low heat and add cheese and mix till melted.
  10. Serve ( hopefully in a bread bowl) and Enjoy 

When I did this I did the recipe 1 1/2 times and made a large pot of this thinking it would be my lunch for the rest of the week. NOPE!!!!! Didnt even last that night!. My roommates and I cleaned that pan. I am totally not lying to you when I say this recipe is GOLDEN!!!!! You will love it just as much as my roomma
     In the Bible there is a story of a woman who is not named, but is known simply as a great woman. The story goes something like this: Elisha was a prophet of the Lord. Every time he visited the city Shunem, he would pass by the home of a great woman who would offer him bread. One day this great woman said to her husband. "Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually" (2 Kings 4:9) 

     Right away we learn two things about this woman. First- she knew that Elisha was a holy man. Second- he came to her house continually. So, if we want to be known as a great woman, what must we do? Recognize the prophet today as a holy man and invite him into our house continually. Now, most likely the prophet will not visit your home. But when we listen to general conference and read the Ensign and New Era , he is visiting our home.

     The story goes on to tell how she made a place for Elisha to stay in her home and she served him This woman was happy to serve without a reward. I find it fitting that the identity of the woman who performed quiet acts of kindness remains a secret today. We know her story, but we are never told her name. She is known simply as "a great woman."

     How can we be considered "great women" today? In 3 Nephi 12:16 we read"Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they man see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Often the greatest acts of service you will perform will go noticed by the world. Sometimes you may even serve someone in a way that leaves them wondering who you are. In those moments you will be remembered simply as a great woman, and I have learned that this is the best title you could ever hope to receive in this life. One of the greatest lessons in this scripture story is for us to realize that the woman did the best she could with what she already had. She gave what she could, We can do the same thing. A great woman is someone who recognizes the need of another- whatever that need may be- and does something about it. Perhaps someone is having a bad day, and all they need is someone who is willing to listen. Saying hi to someone in the hall or at the grocery store are ways to serve silently. Sometimes the greatest service comes from someone who is simply willing to be a true friend- even to those they do not know.
"There are hearts to gladden..... kind words to say....... gifts to be given....... deeds to be done."
                       -Thomas S. Monson-

"The path of a good woman is indeed strewn with flowers; but they rise behind her steps, not before them."
                            - John Ruskin-
Have you done any good in the world today?
What have you done today that will recognize you as a "great woman"?
     For those who know me really well, knew this post was going to come eventually..... I AM OBSESSED!!!!!  Senior year of High School I made friends with a girl named Kelsey, she had just moved up from Arizona (where she had lived all her life, so Seattle Area was quite a shock to her) About two and a half months into the school year we realized that our life's pretty much consisted of going to school going home doing homework and the occasional girl or movie nights- we NEEDED to get out and do something more with our lives. So I started looking around at what kind of activities were going on around the community that wouldn't cost a lot of money. There was a recently opened dance studio in town that was offering a free ZUMBA class on your first visit. We thought- what do we have to loose. We went and got hooked. Before we knew it we were going two times a week!!!!! As we were getting closer to summer I realized that I really do love ZUMBA and I didn't want to ever stop! So I looked into getting certified. July 22 2012 I flew down to Boise, ID stayed a few days with family and embarked on a 10 hour class of non-stop ZUMBA-ING by the end of that exhilarating and exhausting day I walked into the front door of my aunts house beaming smile and certificate in hand. 
(click on pictures to make them bigger)
     I went home and taught a few classes here and there and then when I got to BYU-Idaho I auditioned to be a ZUMBA instructor on campus. I was so nervous!!!!! (OK I wont go into great detail about this but here is the funny story. When I auditioned they told me I would hear back with in a week if I got the position. I didn't hear back and got really discouraged. But tried to move on from that. The following Wednesday I went to bed around 10 pm and at 10:48 I got a phone call from an anonymous number, I was really contemplating not answering but I had a feeling that I should. Turns out, I had the job all along, they LOVED me when I auditioned, they had my email wrong and was emailing the wrong email the whole time giving me the logistics  That night I was actually scheduled to teach a class, and ton of people showed up but ME! So then she ran home found my application and called me immedietly. I now teach every Wednesday 7-7:50 pm and then every other Saturday from 10-11 am :)
(click on pictures to make them bigger)
     So some of you may be asking what is ZUMBA- well it's pretty much an aerobic style of dancing. It is typically a 50-60 minute class where you get an interval workout (you bring your heart rate up high, then down and up high then down, you do toning and make sure you get a really good warm up in the beginning and stretch at the end) where you use all different styles of dance, usually it will have a Latin base (because that's where it originated from) but you also use hip hop, jazz, country, swing, waltz, ballet and so much more. ZUMBA is an exercise that anyone can do, you just have to be willing to let loose and have fun!!!!! ( I can promise you that when I started I never thought this would be something I would love because I am just not one to shake my booty and wiggle my hips in front of other people, but when you allow yourself to get into it, you really do have a lot of fun. I never have seen myself as a good dance or pretty- but when I do ZUMBA I feel like I can dance and I feel BEAUTIFUL!!!!! No joke, and I hear that from other women all the time. I also hear from women all the time about their amazing weight loss journey through ZUMBA- I personally lost 18 pounds from ZUMBA this last summer :) The philosophy of ZUMBA is Forget the workout join the party! 

                         Benefit's from 1 hour of ZUMBA:
1. You will burn somewhere around 400-600 calories in just 1 hour of dancing!!!!!
2. ZUMBA is sneaky- you will be working muscles without even realizing it. Like  waving your arms in the air- who would have though that it works your biceps, and if you just turn your arm down just a little bit you are now working your triceps. Or you are doing a slow shimmy to the side- did you realize you just did squats and worked your abs???? You wouldn't even realize any of this because you are too busy having fun dancing! Really you are getting a FULL body workout without even knowing- see totally sneaky!!!!!
3. The ZUMBA environment was created to be fun and inviting for EVERYONE, and when you are exercise while having fun- MAJOR EMOTIONAL BOOST!!!!!
4. ZUMBA instructors are trained to use as little words as possible to explain their moves, they have been taught to clap or use hand motions to direct you. This may be a little hard to pick up on first but slowly and surely you brain will start picking up on these moves and you will become more confident in following any instructor as well as in your own dancing abilities. This technique was designed to make the students less dependent on the instructor and more on their own amazing abilities.
5. "ZUMBA is considered a weight-bearing activity, like walking or running, which helps maintain and improve bone density. ZUMBA also includes warm-ups and cool-downs which help with flexibility, an important ingredient in injury prevention. Finally, ZUMBA dances provide intervals of intensity throughout the class time, which is an effective way to challenge muscles, build strength and increase endurance." (taken from

These are really just a few of the many benefits of ZUMBA- but inst that enough to totally get you excited to join a class????
     These pictures make me laugh, and you know what even for an instructor like me, and someone who has been doing ZUMBA for a year- this is probably still true. but HEY at least you can get a good laugh at it. PLUS when you laugh while your heart is pumping and you are doing intense cardio it works your ABS like none other. No joke- I have a 4 pack just from doing ZUMBA yells and laughing so hard at myself.  This post was really just to inform you of a fun new work out that you could try. Really many women go into ZUMBA not expecting a good workout, come out thinking that was SO MUCH FUN and then wake up the next day and you can feel every muscle that you worked out. I hope that you will try ZUMBA and that you will love it just as much as I have :)

    Kayla Morrill

    I am so glad that you are visiting my blog!!!! I have created this blog in hopes to uplift women from all backgrounds and remind you that you are a daughter of a Heavenly King, you have a divine heritage and you have the potential to do many marvelous things in this life as well as the life to come.. I believe in the worth of women and I want all women to embrace life and recognize the blessing that they are.

    I love you all so very much!!!


    November 2012
    October 2012